The FlashGel System |
加入时间:2007-06-22 15:20:18 浏览次数:7783 |
The FlashGel System is the fastest way to separate DNA and the only way to watch DNA migration as it happens. This revolutionary new tool separates DNA in 2 -7 minutes. Monitor gel runs right at the bench, without UV light. The highly sensitive system allows a 5X reduction in DNA levels ?saving both time and money.
★Get results in 5 minutes or less.
★Watch DNA migrate at your bench, in real-time without UV light.
★Enjoy outstanding resolution and exquisite sensitivity.
★See NEW formats for small fragment DNA and high sample throughput. The FlashGel System consists of enclosed, disposable, precast agarose gel cassettes and a combination electrophoresis and transilluminator unit.
★FlashGel Cassettes contain precast, prestained agarose gels and buffer ?no need for gel preparation, buffer addition or gel staining.
★The FlashGel Dock is an electrophoresis apparatus with a built-in transilluminator that provides both separation and detection.
Part Code Description 57023 FlashGel Cassette, pk of 9 57025 FlashGel Dock 57026 FlashGel Starter Pack 57029 FlashGel Cassette,pk of 9 57031 FlashGel Cassette,pk of 9 57032 FlashGel Cassette,pk of 9 57034 FlashGel DNA Marker, 100 bp - 3 kb 57033 FlashGel DNA Marker, 50 bp - 1.5 kb 50473 FlashGel DNA Marker, 500 ul 50475 FlashGel DNA QuantLadder, 250 ul 50462 FlashGel Loading Dye, 5 X 1 ml